How did you get your business off the ground?

We want to understand the problems that small businesses face in building and supporting their workforce. Do you have 30 minutes to share and help us? You can find a time at this link, or below.

We are

Shervin Talieh

Shervin is the Founder and CEO of PartnerHero, a software and services company that helps new economy businesses achieve operational excellence. He also founded Drumbi, and has worked in product and management consulting roles.

Stephen Hazeltine

Stephen is an independent consultant. He previously held multiple positions at PartnerHero, and before that built customer experience functions for startup businesses in New York.


Our hypothesis is that while the world of work is changing rapidly, the infrastructure and mediums of work have been static for generations. This penalizes both workers and the small businesses who want to employ them.

Employment infrastructure is outdated and inefficient, causing hurting both businesses and employees:

This project is a broad investigation into the experiences of the diverse “long tail” of the economy. We need to better understand problems before considering solutions.

We invite you to share your experience building a team so that we can understand what it will take to upend the fractional employment landscape, making it easier for businesses to adapt and thrive in today's economy.

How you can help

Your insights, experiences, and opinions are invaluable to our research.